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Is the pool that you

work at optimizing lifeguard

coverage and training

for your benefit?

Simple Solutions Now Exist to Optimize Critical Lifeguarding Factors at Your Facility

The aquatics industry is evolving, and forward thinkers are challenging the status quo. By applying scientific principles to aquatic safety, it's finally possible to ensure that lifeguards are set up to succeed. 

Drownings unfortunately occur at pools where

attentive and qualified lifeguards are on duty.

Coverage Zones

Lifeguard training programs focus on recognition and response to a patron in need of help within 30 seconds, but many facilities fail to establish surveillance zones that make this possible.


Our research demonstrates that lifeguards consistently fail to identify underwater objects throughout more than 15% of their assigned surveillance areas.

Conventional testing with manikins or silhouettes often fails to simulate real world conditions. Flawed testing can result in coverage zones that are so large that lifeguards are not able to recognize a drowning victim in their assigned surveillance zone.

Lifeguard Coverage Zones 2.png

Focused vision


Peripheral vision

Proper scientific testing must be conducted to ensure an adequate number of lifeguards are on duty and that the lifeguards are properly positioned to identify patrons in distress.


This diagram, taken from a 2015 drowning incident, illustrates the limits of the lifeguards’ sight lines and the hazards that exist beyond.     

Visibility Obstructions

Line of sight obstructions, as well as glare and turbulence affect your ability to see patrons in the water and identify objects below the surface.

An adjustment in the placement and height of a lifeguard chair can make the difference between seeing a faint color on the surface or clearly monitoring swimmers underwater. Most lifeguards believe they have clear vision until they’re confronted with a better alternative.

The images below demonstrate the visibility of a lifeguard seated on a short stand (first photo) and from an elevated position (second photo). The management in this facility had traditionally utilized low chairs, not realizing how a change in perspective would dramatically improve their lifeguards’ ability to see below the surface.

Girls-2.5' chair.JPG
Girls-8' chair.JPG

View from short stand

View from tall lifeguard stand

What can your employer do to make sure you are set up for success?

Our fact sheet discusses the scope of the problem,

relevant standards, and how scientific solutions from

Aqua Conscience can improve safety at your pool. 


video screengrab - grid.PNG

Lifeguard Positioning & Training Tool $2,500

The LPTT® is a full-facility kit of 35 ANGELS devices, used for

  • Training lifeguards to scan every cubic foot of water in their surveillance zone

  • Scientifically auditing lifeguard zone boundaries

  • Validating lifeguard chair height and position

Make your pool safer through science.

Contact Aqua Conscience

Contact Aqua Conscience to discuss how our product systems can help you improve the safety at your facility.





354 N Prince St

Lancaster, PA 17603



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